Die Deutsche Industrie

Die Einkaufsdatenbank für den Binnenmarkt - Made in Germany

​BDI - Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V.
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Perfil de empresa para:

ams Sensors Germany GmbH

Entrar en contacto


Göschwitzer Str. 32
07745 Jena

+49 3641 2809-0

+49 3641 2809-12

Productos y servicios de:
ams Sensors Germany GmbH

Objeto social

The purpose of ams-OSRAM AG is the development, production and distribution of electronic products, in particular integrated circuits (micro-systems) and other microelectronic products, and the provision of services in this context, trading in such products and the arrangement of such transactions, as well as the acquisition of pertinent production machinery and equipment.

Propietarios de: ams Sensors Germany GmbH

Casa central

Tobelbader Str. 30
8141 Premstätten

Registro mercantil

HRB 209557, Jena

No. de IVA

DE 150 108 778

Otros fabricantes y proveedores a: Jena